Hey Mustang Nation! Welcome to the first full week of school! We're excited to spend time with you! Let's make it a great week. Go MC!
almost 3 years ago, Ken Schutten
Good Morning Mustangs
McDonald County School District has established criteria for COVID levels. The graphic lists the COVID levels for each school building as of today, 8/25/2021. All buildings in Level 1 are less than 1 percent positive at this date.
almost 3 years ago, Ken Schutten
Covid Levels 8/25/21
Great things are happening everyday in McDonald County Schools as the year unfolds! And we're excited about our partnership with our friends at KNEO Radio as they help us spread the word about those great things. Each week, they'll be interviewing the people who are making a difference in the lives of the students in our school district with the Mustang Moment. Be sure to check out the KNEO facebook page and listen to the Mustang Moment each week. The most recent episode features Superintendent Dr. Mark Stanton who brings us all the latest projects and programs as McDonald County teachers and staff give hope to every child, every day, whatever it takes! Check out the link below! Go MC! https://fb.watch/7C2AqT1LXP/
almost 3 years ago, Ken Schutten
💥 Hey Mustang Nation! It's finally here! The first day of school! 🚸 We're excited to see everyone and get started with a great school year! Have a great day, and we'll see you in class! 📚 Go MC! 🐎
almost 3 years ago, Ken Schutten
Welcome Students!
McDonald County School District has established criteria for COVID levels. The graphic lists the COVID levels for each school building as of today, 8/23/2021. All buildings in Level 1 are less than 1 percent positive at this date.
almost 3 years ago, Joy Hardridge
COVID Update
Hey Mustang Nation! Hope you have a great weekend. Don't forget Open Houses for all schools across the McDonald County R-1 School District will be Monday, August 23, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Can't wait to see you Monday night! Go MC!
almost 3 years ago, Ken Schutten
Open Houses
A big Thank You to First Community Bank for donating a planner to all teachers in the McDonald County R-1 School District! We caught up with bank VP Jill Buske dropping off planners at Noel Primary School. Pictured are Trina Serna, Jill Buske, Tonya Harrell, and Shannon Matthews.
almost 3 years ago, Ken Schutten
Pictured l to r: Trina Serna, Jill Buske, Tonya Harrell, Shannon Matthews
Teacher Planner
A great big "WELCOME!" to our new teachers in the McDonald County R-1 School District! And a big thank you to the McDonald County Chamber of Commerce for providing lunch and goody bags! It's going to be a great school year! Go MC!
almost 3 years ago, Ken Schutten
Welcome, new teachers!
New teachers luncheon
Welcome to our new teachers!
What a great first day for McDonald County teachers as the High School band, cheerleaders, and pom squad welcomed them back to school today for the 2021-2022 school year! A little more than 300 teachers are employed this year by the district. Thirty-five of those are new hires. There are new and exciting things unfolding in McDonald County schools to make sure our teachers are able to give the best education and care to every child, every day, whatever it takes! It's going to be a great school year! Go MC!
almost 3 years ago, Ken Schutten
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Welcome back!
The McDonald County R-1 School District is applying to receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER III) to address learning recovery and the impact COVID-19 is having on our schools. These funds are designated for one-time or short-term expenditures to address the ongoing impact of the pandemic. The McDonald County School District is seeking feedback from all district and community members to help determine how the district should best use these resources to address unfinished learning, ongoing COVID-19 recovery, and Federal Program grant funds. The McDonald County School District is expected to receive almost 8 million dollars to be used over the next three years. Please take time to let us know your opinion by completing the brief survey below by Sunday, August 22nd. Thank you for your feedback! https://forms.gle/yfzMrKTsoqhiDs4T9
almost 3 years ago, Joy Hardridge
Unfortunately there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in our Summer Journey Program. That means multiple students have been diagnosed with COVID-19 within this past week. To help reduce any further spread of the disease, school buildings and school busses are being thoroughly cleaned and sanitized. Furthermore, beginning Monday, June 14th, all individuals, students and staff alike, who have not been fully vaccinated for COVID -19 will once again be required to wear a mask until the outbreak subsides. We will work closely with our local health department to monitor this outbreak and as always focus on the health and safety of our students and staff.
about 3 years ago, Joy Hardridge
COVID Update
On this Memorial Day, MCR1 honors the men and women of the US Armed Forces who gave the ultimate sacrifice to our great Nation. We appreciate you! #MCR1Pride
about 3 years ago, Katy Booher
Memorial Day notice with American flag graphics, red and blue text.
McDonald County R-1 School Board, after a careful review of current COVID related statistics for both student and staff in the district, voted on Thursday evening to ease several of the COVID restrictions which have been in place during the 2020-2021 school year. Effective immediately, the board has voted to change the mask mandate. As of the May 13th vote, mask will be optional instead of mandatory for both students and staff. In addition, parents and volunteers are once again permitted on campuses and in school buildings as they have been in previous years. Also dropped were the screening protocols of both staff and guest. One final change effecting students was opening up the option for student field trip experiences. Board members did stress that lifting these restrictions, in paticular releasing the mask mandate, could potentially result in an increase number of students excluded from school in cases where students were exposed to a COVID positive individual on campus. The school will continue to keep accurate seating chart documentation and work closely with the McDonald County Health Department to monitor the COVID impact on students and staff. If the COVID numbers increase significantly, the school administration in conjunction with the school board could reverse these decisions as needed to protect the health of students and staff.
about 3 years ago, Joy Hardridge
Our last day of the regular school year is scheduled for Wednesday, May 26. Summer School begins Thursday, May 27! We hope you plan to attend this fantastic educational opportunity! Please contact your child's school for more details or to enroll. #MCR1Pride
about 3 years ago, Katy Booher
Summer school notice.  Gray background.  Red and black text.  Mustang clip art.  Red stars and confetti.
We are quickly approaching our summer school session! We will host summer school May 27 - June 29. Contact your child's school for more details and to enroll in Summer Journey!
about 3 years ago, Katy Booher
Summer program flyer.  Beach scene.  Black, yellow, and aqua text.
We are thrilled to announce Summer SOPE! This immersive, hands-on summer learning experience for Mustangs currently in 6th and 7th grade includes hiking, canoeing, and many other outdoor skills! Follow this link to apply for a spot on our SOPE team https://bit.ly/3eHZtzd
about 3 years ago, Katy Booher
Summer program flyer.  Blue background, red canoe.
Did you know MCR1 has a Mountain Bike Team? Are you interested in joining? We will host an informational meeting on Tuesday, April 27 at 6:00 pm at Pineville Elementary for interested students who will be in 6th grade - 12th grade next school year. We hope to see you there!
over 3 years ago, Katy Booher
Mountain bike team flyer.  Images of students and a bicyclist graphic.
Good morning, Mustang Nation! Welcome back to school! We are delighted to spend another week engaged in innovative learning with you! Let's work together to make this an amazing week! #MCR1Pride
over 3 years ago, Katy Booher
Good morning message with mustang sculpture photo, red/black/gray graphics and text, and white star burst with black text.
Wishing MCR1 students, staff, and community stakeholders a Happy Easter!
over 3 years ago, Katy Booher
Happy Easter graphic with black background, red and white text, and red and gray Easter eggs.
Hey, Mustang Nation! This is a reminder that school will be closed for students and staff on Friday, April 2. This was a previously scheduled day off. School will resume Monday, April 5. #MCR1Pride
over 3 years ago, Katy Booher
No school Friday, April 2 notice. Black, gray, white, and red text and graphics.